the Monday Morning Debrief: Debriefing Easter

images-12Christ has Risen!  He has Risen Indeed! Easter is one of those weeks that is “special” in Churches.  I know some people say every week should be the same and that 1 week shouldn’t be so different than any other.  But honestly, Christmas and Easter are 2 of those weeks that need to be different.  Why?  Because they are 2 HUGE events in the life of Christ…his birth and his resurrection.  Without those, there wouldn’t be Christianity.  That is why we need to put some extra touches on making those days a little bit more special. Therefore, debriefing Easter looks a little different than debriefing most other weeks.  Here are a few things to think through while you debrief Easter:

  1. What was a lessoned learned this week for you? How are you going to make the appropriate changes for next year’s Easter?
  2. How can you follow up with new parents and students this week that you just met?
  3. How can you honor those students who served during Easter services this week?
  4. Who is a leader you need to touch base and connect with this week?
  5. Now that Easter weekend is over, how do you plan on following up and celebrating all that God did?
Just some simple things to think over.  For mer, personally, looking over these 5 questions there are some definite lessons learned I’ve learned, some new families I need to follow up with, students who went crazy serving that I need to recognize and honor as well as a few leaders.  God really did some great things yesterday and now it is my job (and you for your ministry) to not let all He did go to waste.  We need to improve and follow up. But first…take a breather and make sure you celebrate all that He did before you get back to working hard.  Seriously, countless hours went into all the Good Friday and Easter stuff you and your church did.  By just moving forward and not reflecting and praising God for all He did this past weekend, we can miss out. So relax for a few and celebrate how God worked last weekend before you get back to the daily grind.  God is great and is dong great things in your midst.  Celebrate the risen Lord and all that He is doing! Thoughts?  Experiences?  Share your Easter debrief and learnings so that we an all learn from each other and benefit.]]>

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