the Monday Morning Debrief: How far will you go to promote?

Unknown-16 This batting helmet is filled with 3 pounds of ice cream![/caption] Did you read about how the Chicago White Sox latest food offering at baseball games this year?  According to, Darren Rovell at ESPN, they will now offer a 3 pound, 12 scoop, $17 batting helmet ice cream sundae this year!  Yeah!  Crazy, right? You can read about it here. As I was reflecting on this clever promotional item for the White Sox, it made me think about all the promotions that I do to excite and engage our audience.  Whether it is adults, families, children or teens, I have seen all sorts of promotions.  For instance, in my work with students, I have seen people…

  • say they will eat a goldfish if they get 100 students
  • promise to shave their head in front of everyone if x amount of students come to group
  • encourage student that the more friends you bring, the more money you get off of camp
  • deduct money off a camp trip if they could beat the youth leader in a game
It’s all fun and games and all in the realm of promotion…to encourage people to do a desired action because they get to  experience something special or something cool happens.  The White Sox want to make more money so they came up with a clever way to get it.  The costumer gets a cool Sox batting helmet as a result and everyone is happy. In youth ministry, I desire to get more students to come out so that they can experience Jesus maybe for the 1st time.  To get this I, or other leaders, are willing are willing to do something crazy or different if the students do what we ask.  It’s a win-win for everyone involved…unless you get your head shaved, that’s not such a great “win”. With these in mind, what have been some of your most popular and most effective promotions you have done in the past?  TAKE A MINUTE and share below.  Hopefully this will spur some new, cool ideas for us to use in the future.]]>

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