Monday Morning Debrief: Summer Planning

  • Where are you at with your summer schedule?  How far down the line are you?
  • What are you planning on teaching your students this summer?  What Truth are they going to hear?
  • How are you planning on building community this summer?  Even though students come and go all summer long, there are plenty of ways you can build community with those who are around.
  • How are you with your summer mission trip ro summer camp?  Do you have enough sign ups?  Are all the details worked out (i.e., payment, travel, supplies)?
  • When are you going to take some time off?
  • How are you planning on celebrating and appreciating your leaders over the summer months?
  • These are just a few thoughts I had thinking about past years and the summer ahead.  It is important that we don’t let the business of today prevent you from planning effectively the upcoming months so that the summer can be just as valuable and important in the growth and development of students as the school year.]]>

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