NYWC ‘19 Recap

Orange Conference every year, it has been way too long since I’ve been to a student ministry only focused conference. It was an amazing experience and it was so great to meet new people and learn from others. Below are a series of blog posts of the sessions I went to as well as some blog posts from other bloggers from around NWYC. In addition, here are some quotes that I heard that really stood out to me over the course of the conference: YM Sidekick NYWC ‘19 Blog Posts

Other NYWC ‘19 Blog Posts: Quotes from NYWC ‘19 (just some of the many great things said):
  • “If you’re doing youth ministry alone, you’re doing it wrong.”- Josh Griffin
  • “If we don’t celebrate, our leaders will feel used.” – Justin Knowles
  • “Seek the spotlight….and it will blind you.” – Walt Mueller
  • “How you work together can change the way a generation sees God.” – Reggie Joiner
  • “Lie number 1 that prevents us from collaboration is that it is none of your business. Lie number 2 is that it’s too hard and too late.” – Danielle Strickland  
  • “God is going to do great things. And what He wants to do through you, He wants to do first in you.” – Albert Tate  
  • “Volunteers want authentic community. If they serve for a year and don’t connect with another adult leader they missed an opportunity to build community.” – Ashley Bohinc 
  • “I don’t want to be remembered for my youth ministry books…I want to be remembered for my family.” – Doug Fields 
  •  “Some tools in ministry are a waste of money, but soul care will transform your soul.” – Allison Eliza  
  • “The church isn’t a place that you go but a community that you belong to.” – Nona Jones
  • “There’s one Savior, and you’re not it.” – Doug Fields
What about you? What stood out to you from NWYC ’19? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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