OC '12: Friday 2nd Session Notes

Luke 2:41-47 Imagine what would happen in our country if the graduates we had who were making choices with Christ as the center. Intergenerational ministry is a great way to keep students engaged in Christ for the long haul.  It may not be easy but the question we have is to ask is “What does God want for our Church?” Christ brings us all together, to bring us around the same table talking and living.  Does that mean we should end children’s and youth ministry? Worship time is a great time to do intergenerational ministry together.  As good as this can be the key is to have adults, children and students working together is ideal.  They are worshipping together, serving together, ushering together, playing in the band together. The game-changer in this when they are doing this all together.  You don’t have to start new programs.  You just have to add a multi/inter-generational component to it. Our older generations are looking for ways to connect with the younger generation.  It’s an untapped resource. It doesn’t matter what age you are, any of us can play a part in gathering folks around the table and help people get sticky faith. If we want our children to have any chance of being game-changers, they need all of us to play apart in them.  There can be a 5-1 web where 5 adults invest in 1 child. Do you want to help end the segregation that hurts young people and hurts your church.  There are children in your church who need to hear the older generation’s story.  So when we gather everyone around the same table, it can be a game-changer for their lives.  ]]>

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