OC '12: Wednesday Night General Session Notes

  • sometimes what we do is messy
  • sometimes we get put into leadership roles that we never thought we’d be in
  • the gospel is messy
  • Jesus came on this earth to colide with humanity.  Sometimes we forget that what we are called to do is very messy.
  • He went on to say 3 things: 1. That there is no way to do what we do without getting messy.   2. The reason why it is going to get messy is because there was no way for Jesus to do what he was doing without getting messy. The common ground of Jesus being born, lived a sin-less life, died and rose again connects us all together.  There are a lot of different people out there with different opinions, but we all can agree on Christ and the life he lived.  The cross was messy. 3. There is no way to make disciples without getting messy. Life is messy, it’s not perfect.  And, if we are going to do ministry well, we are going to have to get messy. 4. There is no way to make disciples without them getting messy. When you love God and love others as you love God, it means us getting in the trenches and getting messy. Are we pushing the students into a world of diversity, where life gets messy? Sometimes we forget to connect the dots.  We forget to engage the next generation in the story of the gospel.  What God is doing is bigger than you. We concluded the night with some communion and worship together. A great start to Orange ’12 this year!  I can’t wait til what happens next!]]>

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