One Way to Honor your Leaders

short video to discover one way to honor your leaders.     Honor your leaders with food! It’s simple really! If you are going to ask them to attend a night time meeting, show them how much you value and appreciate them by showing them that you are thinking of them. You are thinking of them by treating them to dinner or dessert. After all, if you are asking them to attend a meeting during dinner time, what better way to honor them than by treating them to dinner? Please note: you don’t ALWAYS have to treat them to dinner. You can honor them by doing other things, but let’s be honest, if you are asking them to a meeting during the dinner time (or even lunch time) hours, it is a great way to show them you appreciate the sacrifice they are making.  And, honestly, more people are likely to attend your meeting. So, the next time you have a night time meeting, honor your leaders. Treat them to some food. What do you think? How have you honored your leaders when asking them to a night time meeting? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick to post. Also, this vlog is apart of Summer Ministry Vlog Week ’16 (#SMVWeek16). Check out the other Vloggers of #SMVWeek16 here. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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