Orange '11 Breakout: How to Connect with Parents using Social Media

  • Look at all the social media and see if that media meets your needs.
  • Twitter is asking the question, what is going on right now.   It is not about the past, but what is present, right now.
  • Facebook is asking the question, who am I.  They want your pictures, your interests, your past and all info about you.  As a ministry they are looking at who you are.  Do you have sermons, announcements, info?  You come to Facebook and you hang out for a bit and learn about others.
  • RSS Feeds (Blogs), you are looking at someone’s thoughts and what they think about a subject or ministry.  Posterous is an simple, excellent way to blog and get information out.  All you do is just email your thoughts to Posterous.  You can attach video or audio and they will organize it for you.  If you want more elaborate, WordPress is a better medium.
  • Groupme is text messages to 25 people or less.  When you send a text it sends it to everyone.  It is a private group and a great way to talk to others.  Be forewarned, if you do Groupme, better have unlimited text messages because you get everyone’s responses.  The great thing about text messages is that 98% of them get read!!!
  • Integrating and how would you use them?
    • Twitter – What do parents need to know right now?  You can tweet pictures and letting them know what is happening with their children.  If you are running late returning from an event, let the parents know so they aren’t wondering where you are.  If this is not “you” there are plenty of young people who are dying to help out.  This is a great way for them to have a vital role in your group.  Andy Stanley, “the less I do, the more I accomplish”
    • Facebook – Your ministry need it.  Make sure it is a Fan Page, not a Group Page.  Fan pages show up in google search.  Use these as outreaches to others.
    • RSS Feeds (Blogs) – people can come and learn more about your ministry.  Here people can come and get information because it is permanent and always there.
    • Groupme – Utilize information to send out to people who need to know the information.
    If you are not reaching people both online and offline, then they may not feel like you know them. Below is a video I recorded just before the session started. Check it out.   ]]>

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