Orange '13: 1st Friday Morning General Session Notes

Bob Goff spoke at the 1st morning session.  He has a book called, “Love Does”. People who follow Jesus leak Jesus (similar to walking with wet feet…wet feet leave footprints, leaking Jesus leaves footprints).  You were made to leak Jesus. Christ wants you to be you!  We are afraid that if we leak Jesus as we were made to be, people will not respond. Some of us are posers.  We are just faking it.  We are afraid to be who God made us to be. Every time we do an act of kindness or share love, you answer the question, “I wonder if it is true”. 1 John 3:16 – “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” Paul says for us to live a life worthy of a calling you have received. We are called to love the hurting. What if we are the ones that lift people up?  You won’t have to say you are praying for them, they will know it when you care for them. Bring your “A” game to Jesus and your community as you lift people up. Expect terrific things to happen, we are children of a King! What if we are picky about what we say to each other?  What if we greet people from now on with, “its good to see you”? We are the aroma of Christ.  Don’t put a Bible verse about it, be it!  That is who you are. If you want to know who you are, fix your eyes on Jesus.  Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!   After worship, Kara Powell was then interviewed by Reggie. Youth Group graduates tend to view the gospel as 2 list of behaviors.  1st is a list of things they have to do…the 2nd list (longer list) is the list of don’t and cant’s. When we do that, we offer a gospel of sin management.  No wonder why they aren’t sticking with this gospel. FYI is trying to help reclaim the gospel.  We are created Good.  God loves us.  Guilt separates us.  By God’s Grace, God sent Jesus.  We serve and obey because we are so full of Gratitude. Jesus is bigger than any mistake.  If Jesus can’t handle kids partying, then we need a new Jesus.  He is so much bigger than all of that.]]>

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