Orange '13: 2nd Friday Morning General Session Notes

Adam Duckworth shared on Tribes. They saw a Parent (leader of home) and the Small Group leader (leader of Church group) that if they are leading the student/child, they need to meet. Parents and Small Group leaders need to get to know each other so they can be working together.  It raises the odds of success for the child/teen.   Heather Zempel also shared on Tribes. Moses was the 1st small group leader…leading people who complained and didn’t follow directions…sound familiar? Jesus was a small group leader.  12 close people yet at the time of trial, 1 betrayed him and the other scattered. Community is messy and always will be. Small Groups are great, then people show up.  They bring their hurts and habits to the table…community is messy.  There are lots of messy issues we have to deal with. Mess can be a catalyst to growth.   Ben Crawshaw also shared on Tribes. He felt that everything rested on his shoulders as a student minister.  Then, 2 things happened.  1. Walk in the freedom of the holy spirit.  2. He began to see that tribes really matter Our ministry needs to be built around multiple leaders. You platform isn’t the stage, it’s the circle.  Give the credit away.  Spend more time with your leaders. When you plan and create, think, “does this build that” connection…not on 1 person, but on people. If tribes really matter, then your ministry needs to be built on multiple leaders.   Doug Fields was then interviewed by Reggie. You have a different kind of a relationship with the people when you stay at a ministry for a long time….Doug spent 20 years at Saddleback. Doug had a treadmill mentality in ministry.  Now, he has slowed down.  He felt that sometimes he was building “my” kingdom to now trying to build God’s kingdom. He sees Jesus and time differently.  He lives at a different pace now. Why is Student Ministry a priority in Churches?

  1. The potential it has to impact the un-churched.  If you care for someone’s kid, they will love you.  It draws parents in.
  2. It establishes a quality of adult leaders who is integral to the church.  Youth group spawns good kids when they have adults who are investing in them.
  3. It puts pressure on the rest of the church to stay culturally relevant.   If we want to keep the younger generation of the church, we have to address them and keep them engaged.
  4. It keeps relationships as the focus.
  5. It develops leaders and talent the church needs now and the future.  If we get them serving as young people, they stick in their faith longer.
Young people are attracted to Jesus, not Christians or the Church.  We connect them to walk with Jesus.  We need to create environments for them to do this.  ]]>

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