Orange '13: "Clarify the Win: Narrowing Down What is Most Important in Your Ministry" Notes

Seven Practices for Highly Effective Ministry” by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner and Lane Jones. Clarifying the win is developing a strategy for very aspect of the mission statement. When a win is unclear, you force those who want to follow to guess what a win looks like.  You also enable those who want to lead to define winning in their own terms.  You also risk the havoc that misalignment can cause on the team. When you clarify the win, you have real alignment with all areas going in the same direction.  You also know where to spend the money. When you win, it becomes contagious. How does this happen? 4 Ways to clarify the win:

  1. Sum up the win in a simple phrase  (EXAMPLE: Mission – We believe life change happens best in the context of small groups…the win is meaningful conversations in small groups)
  2. Keep it as specific as possible.  You know you win when you get there.
  3. Build ways to restate the win in all our areas
  4. Continue to clarify the win at every level
When all is said and done, what is it that we want to look back on and celebrate?]]>

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