Orange '13: Wednesday Night General Session Notes

Reggie Joiner led the Wednesday night session. As he introduced the Conference theme of “Focus” he pulled out a jar of marbles and each marble represented a week a parent has with a child.  He went on to use that as an example of “When you see the time you have left, you get serious about the time you have NOW!” We have a limited amount of time with our kids.  When you see it, when you visual it, you want to get wise in what you do. “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” – Psalm 90:12 He encouraged us to make a list of children and youth who you have influence on…people you are investing in regularly (your own children or your students).  As we talk through things this week, you process it in regards to those children you are ministering to. The only thing that matters in a kid’s life is a relationship with God and what it means to have that relationship with Him. You can’t make a kid love God, but you can live with him in such a way that they know what it means to love God.  You can’t make a kid care others, but you can love a kid in a way that they feel worth it. We need adults who will hang with kids and make history with them.   God chose to use time throughout history that we can see the love of God.  He chose over time to reveal himself to us.  If God used time to reveal himself, we can use time to reveal God to kids and make history. Kids won’t feel that we love them unless we love them over time.  By that we give them a sense of worth.  The story of creation shows that we are worth something.  The story of the cross shows us that we are worth something.  Love over time gives worth. Words over time, throughout history, that is consistent with your message, it gives kids direction.  Words are so powerful.  Words over time gives us direction. Stories over time gives us perspective.  Stories move your imagination.  Stories are powerful. Fun!  You were created to have fun!  The greatest thing you can put in your church is joy.  Have an atmosphere of joy and fun.  When you put fun and put it over time, it does something to relationships.  It sends a message.  Fun over time gives you connection. Kids need tribes over time…tribes = a group of people who have something in common.  A place where they belong.  A tribe over time gives a sense of belonging.  Everybody needs somebody who will show up when they know what they did.  We need people who have history with us and still show up.  You will never feel forgiven by people who don’t know you.  You will only feel forgiven by people who know you. Legacy is not to be famous with many people…Your legacy is going to be with the people you are with right now.  Invest with the people close to you. Reggie ended his time inviting all of us to communion together, belonging to the same tribe.]]>

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