Orange '14: Mark Batterson Main Session Message

Unknown-7Acts 10 was basis for this message…Reimagine If you want to repeat history, do it the way it’s always been done. If you want God to do a new things, you have to reimagine it. “If you pray to God regularly, irregular things will happen on a regular basis.” Reimagining happens when you pray! “I believe in the power of prayer”. Cornelius prayed regularly. That’s where reimagining begins! Pray regularly and you will begin to reimagine what God can do. “One day”…you are one day away and one prayer away from a totally different life. Prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. The greatest tragedy in life are the unanswered prayers because they are un-asked. We overestimate what we can do and we underestimate what God can do. Let’s pray like it depends on God. Re-imagination isn’t about us coming up with better human ideas, but about God giving us the vision. Prayer is not about us giving our ideas to God, but God giving us a vision. v. 5 – God calls Cornelius to go to Joppa We have to be obedient to the vision God gives us. We don’t have to know the whole plan, we just have to be obedient to the first step. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who labor, labor in vain. God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. If you want God to do something new, you have to do something different. Cornelius gets a vision and goes to Joppa. He took a step. Prayer is the spiritual of contract…when we pray in the will of God for the glory of God, there is nothing more binding. To reimagine, sometimes you have to go back to places where God moved in your life. Very Important: When you get into an argument with God, if you win, you LOSE. But, if you lose that argument you WIN. Peter lost the argument with God. Peter knew when he went to Cornelius this was a foolish move. Faith is willingness to look foolish. Sometimes you have to risk your reputation to see God in a new way. Peter risked his reputation. If you aren’t willing to look foolish, you are foolish. The moment Peter walked into the house, who soever will, shall come. If Cornelius had not prayed regularly and took a step of faith. Had Peter not went on the rooftop and risked his reputation, Christians wouldn’t be here. May we reimagine what we do.]]>

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