Orange Conference ’12 and blog for the conference. At first I thought it was spam as I couldn’t really believe I had gotten this invite. But then, after researching it more, I realized it was for real. At the time, I had just recently been to exposed to the “Think Orange” book by Reggie Joiner and I was all in. So I jumped at this opportunity and booked my ticket. Going to Atlanta to experience all the Orange Conference had to offer was amazing. It truly was the best conference I had ever been to. I’ve been to the last 3 conferences and also the Orange Tours in the DC area the past 3 years…I’m still holding out hope that one day the Orange Tour will come to the nZone/New Life Christian Church. Unfortunately, this year I am not able to go to the Orange Conference. It is very sad for me that I can’t go because there will be so much I miss about not being there. For instance, I will miss…
- The Interactions. Over the years, I have made some new friends by going to the Orange Conference. I’ve been able to meet Student and Family ministers all over the world (literally) that I keep in touch with. Not being there will be sad as I’d love to connect with them in person and catch up on life and ministry.
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Some of the fun that happened at Orange ’14.[/caption] The Speakers. Orange always has a great number of pastors and speakers that inspire and challenge the volunteers and paid staffers there how to do ministry better. This year you’ll hear from Reggie Joiner, Perry Noble, Jud Wilhite, Sue Miller, Donald Miller, Jon Acuff, Sofia Dickens and many more!
- The fun. At conferences you are always learning. But what Orange does so well is mixing the fun in with the learning. I will miss seeing what fun things they do on stage and after hours.