Orange Week: Best Speaker from OC12

  • Doug Fields ministered to me by encouraging us all to keep our focus on God and eliminate the things that blind us from that focus
  • Kara Powell inspired me by talking about intergenerational ministry.
  • Andy Stanley challenged us all to be a servant leaders.
  • Craig Groeschel reminded me of our mission. We are called by God to release single-minded, Christ-centered, Biblically-anchored, world-changers.  This is our calling!
  • Reggie Joyner reminded us that we are going to get messy.  Life is messy so ministry is going to be messy too.
  • Reviewing my notes, there are so many good things to say about the speakers from last year that I figured I’d give you the links to each of the main event talks from last year to see what you are in store for if you sign up for Orange ’13 I get pumped and inspired just rereading those notes.  Did you go last year?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and post how last years speakers challenged and inspired you. I can’t wait to hear who Orange brings in this year because I know I will leave inspired and challenged.  If you have never been, you need to sign up.  You won’t regret it.  Sign ups begin Sept. 27th!  I hope to see you there.]]>

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