Orange Week: Online Tour on the 15th

About 2 weeks ago, I got an email from Matt McKee from Orange asking some other youth ministry bloggers and myself to write about Orange and the upcoming Orange Conference. I was really honored by the invite so this week I’ve turned Ministry Blackboard into an Orange Week machine!  What is an Orange Week Machine you might be asking?  Well, that means that over the next few days I will be focusing on a different aspect of Orange and the upcoming Orange Conference so as to get other children, youth and family ministry leaders excited about the possibilities in their own ministry and to get them excited about the upcoming Orange Conference in April.  I’m going to shamelessly plug the conference because this year, after years of wanting to go, I am now officially going and I couldn’t be more excited.  So, selfishly, I’d love to see all of you all there so I can learn from you all and from your experience in this great ministry. So today, being the kick-off of Orange Week, I want to pump up the Orange Online Tour Stop. On Feb. 15th, starting at 1 pm (EST), the likes of Reggie Joiner, Sue Miller, Stuart Hall and Casey Nieuwhof will be sharing about Orange and how we can be more effectively ministering to children, youth and families. It’s going to be awesome and, other than the fact that you get to hear from great teachers, there are 2 great reason why you definitely need to participate:

  1. You don’t have to go anywhere to participate! That’s right, all you have to do to benefit from all this experience is to park yourself in front of your computer, iPad or smartphone and just get to soak in all the great stuff that Orange has to offer. No airfare, tolls, rental cars, hotel rooms, roommates who snore or sad spouses or children who miss you. All you have to do is just block off some time and glean great information from some great speakers.  How convenient is that??
  2. The Online tour is FREE! Seriously, enough said. There are so few things free these days that when something of this magnitude is offered, you have to jump at the chance.
So go online right now and register for the Online tour stop on Feb. 15th. It’s definitely gonna be worth your while. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to learn something new & improve your ministry!  I know I’m looking forward to it.]]>

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