ORANGE WEEK: The Orange Difference

Orange offers that tops all the other ones. For example, it’s…

  1. supported by a network of experienced leaders
  2. comprehensive in its approach to age group
  3. simple for parents to implement at home
  4. designed to connect every kid to a consistent leader
  5. updated frequently so it stays relevant
  6. easy to customize and scale for your church
To see the actual visual of the Orange difference, click here. Of these six above examples, I have appreciated numbers 1, 5 & 6 the most.  For number 1, I know that I can call or email my Orange Specialist at any time and get a response back from them fairly quickly.  They are willing and able to talk through all your questions with you.  They are also VERY PATIENT!  I know this because I ask a lot of questions. I have experienced number 5 a number of times working with XP3.  I use XP3’s topical themes a lot and there will be times when I want to download a lesson series they have.  However, while talking through things with my Orange Specialist, they have advised me to wait til I am getting ready to use it because Orange is constantly looking through their lessons, changing and adapting it so it can work better for the churches/ministries that use it.  That really impresses me because that shows me that they are always looking for feedback from their curriculum and adapting where they need to. I can appreciate number 6 because of the amount of times I am adapting curriculum.  Orange not only gives you the curriculum but they also offer you ideas how to change it.  In addition, the Orange Specialists can talk you through it as well.  Seriously, I cannot speak enough about how many times I’ve been on the phone of exchanging emails with the Specialists to help me adapt and talk through the curriculum.  They are always there to help. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of curriculums out there, but few offer you all that Orange does.  There really is a DIFFERENCE when you are working with Orange. What better way to fully understand the difference between Orange and everything else, then to go to the Orange Conference.  This year, the Orange Conference is being held April 30th – May 2nd.  Right now, if you sign up on Oct. 10th, you can save $80/person. Can’t wait til April to experience Orange, check the Orange Tour to see if there is a Tour Stop coming in your area.]]>

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