Orange Week: Speaker Highlights from last year

Andy Stanley:

  • How did this movement (Christianity) survive the 1st century when all the eye-witnesses died off?  How did it grow and multiply?
  • It was all about compassion, all about dignity when pagan religions did not teach those things.  Christianity taught that every person you come into contact with is made in the image of God.  In paganism there was no love.  They didn’t love humanity.  Now, a new message who invited you to call him Father and it was a stagering idea back then.  And HE LOVES YOU!  Everyone is loved by God.
  • God values every person who was ever born and we need to treat them like that.
  • All men will know that you are Christ’s disciples if you love.
Perry Noble:
  • What you do today will matter tomorrow.  You are not just a children’s work or just a youth worker.  What you are doing today in the lives of children and youth matters!
  • If you want to make a difference you need to be concerned about Christ’s name in the lives of others.  It doesn’t matter how many Facebook friends or Twitter followers you have.  It is about sharing Christ’s name in the lives of others
  • What you do matters tomorrow.  They may not remember your sermons or Bible studies, but they will remember you were there for them and represented Christ to them.
Jud Wilhite:
  • Ministry is messy because sin is messy.  Get over it and get a mop and start cleaning it up.
  • We don’t need people to say, “you got yourself into this mess”.  They need someone to walk along side of them and help them through the mess.
  • The Church and believers need to be extending our hand and helping them through the mess.
Jeff Manion:
  • God loved them, God cherished them, God cared for them…into the desert they went.
  • God will not always rescue you from the desert. He will rescue you out of the desert, but he cannot prevent you from going into the land between.
  • The land between is fertile ground for transformational growth. It is also where faith goes to die.
  • When you pass through the land of between, your heart is in conflict.  How you respond in this land will determine who you become down the road.
Again, these are just some of the great thoughts that were shared last year.  With a new lineup of speakers scheduled for this year, I can’t wait to hear what they have to say.

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