Orange Week: What I'm looking forward to

  • The speakers.  I’ll talk more about this in the next few days, but Orange spared no expense at bringing some great speakers to come and share last year and I know this year is going to be just as good.  Already signed up to share are Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, Reggie Joiner, Kara Powell, Sue Miller and David Kinnaman – just to name a few.
  • The seminars.  The seminars last year were so good.  Any kind of family ministry idea out there, Orange seemed to have as seminar/workshop focused on it.  From children to youth, pastors to volunteers, planning to special needs ministry, Orange had you covered.  The list for this coming year is not up yet.  But, if there is something you really want to hear about, Orange wants to hear from you.  Click here to submit your idea.
  • The connections.  Last year when I got to hang out with the other bloggers, that was great to hear what they are doing in their ministries and learn from them.  But I also go to talk to a bunch of other ministers and it was great to hear what they were up to – successes and failures.  Really cool experience.
  • What ORANGE has in store for us.  Last year I was blown away by all that Orange did for the participants throughout the conference.
  • So what about you?  TAKE A MINUTE and share about what you are looking forward to experiencing at Orange this coming year.  AND, don’t forget, you can sign up for Orange ’12 starting this Thursday!

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