Remember this? The Overhead Projector.
Ah yes, that beautiful bulky machine that you would lug around with you so that you could project transparencies on the screen with your illustrations. I remember being in middle school with math teachers demonstrating how to do math problems on them, then with a quick spray of fluid from this magic potion erase it better than chalk on a chalkboard…unless of course the teacher accidentally used permanent marker on the transparency and thus it was ruined.
I also remember going to youth group and my youth pastor would bring it in and we’d have to find a perfect wall where we could hang a bed sheet up so that we could see the worship music words on it.
Ahhhh! Those were the days.
What is the projector replaced with today? Projectors have largely replaced them. They are small, compact, cheaper and can connect to your computer or tablet have replaced this classic device. So all the fun we had with those beautiful square objects we lugged around in the backseats of our cars are now a thing of the past.
What are your memories of the Overhead Projectors? Share your fondest memories so we can all remember and enjoy.]]>