New Life Christian Church in Northern VA serving as the Student Ministry Pastor. It has been a very rewarding experience where I have been encouraged and challenged in ways unlike any other that I have had before.
One of the things I appreciate so much about being a part of New Life Christian Church is that they are always looking for new ways to help people discover God. That is why they built the nZone back in 2011. And, that is why I am writing to you all today.
This past spring, New Life approached me about being the Campus Pastor for a new Online Campus they were developing. Online Campus? What’s that? See the FAQs below.
I had recently taken on additional responsibly in regards to the social media in the Church and the nZone, so doing “ministry” online was something that actually sparked a lot of interest. I would be a Campus Pastor of this online community and could use some gifts and passions of mine to help people discover God in a digital world. So, after prayer and talking through it with some close friends, I gladly accepted this position.
As I am launching this new endeavor I am seeking partners – prayer and financial partners that truly want to be a part of a missional effort into the online community.
- Prayer partners will help the team and I stay strong and focused as we enter into this ever-changing community where spiritual battles can be numerous.
- Financial partners will contribute to the start and development of this ministry. Considering that we are on the frontlines of this ever changing ministry…. Your tax deductible donation is critical to making this vision a reality.
I have known many of you for many, many years. You have seen me go through a series of highs and lows, but God has brought me through it. And, I believe He has brought me through stronger and more capable to serve Him than ever before.
I believe that through our partnership God can use this Online Campus to reach many more people than we could ever dream about. That is why I am excited and would love your partnership in this ministry. Please pray about how you and let me know how you would like to be apart of this awesome opportunity.
If you’d like to support financially, you can donate online very easily. Just go
here and select “Online Campus” under the “Choose Account” heading.
If you have any questions I’d love to talk to you about it. Feel free to contact me at
Online Campus FAQs
What is an Online Campus?
An Online Campus is very similar to a satellite campus of a multi-site Church. Each Sunday we broadcast the New Life Christian Church services online from Chantilly, VA ( Through the Chat Room during the service and other online and social media engagement, the Online Campus hopes to engage people all over the world allowing them to ask tough questions about life and discover God.
What will my job consist of?

Online Ministry is a relatively new and ever changing area of ministry with each church having different approaches. For starters, I am in charge of Chat Hosts recruitment, training and development as well as spiritual leader over all the members of the team working to provide. I will be working on online content (videos, blog posts, social media discussions, etc.) to engage the online community in meaningful discussion and processing about Christ so that they may come to know Him. I also work closely with a technical team of great volunteers who help make this possible. I have also just recently started an Online Life Group that has been going very well.
What do we hope to gain from this Online Campus?
New Life’s mission is to help people discover God and we believe there are some people who will still not go to a Church for a variety of reasons. But they are open to hearing about Christ in the privacy of their own home. We hope to reach people for Christ and get them plugged into a community of believers (whether online or a physical church building) so that they can then develop in their relationship with Christ and deploy into the world.
Why am I raising $50,000 when I am apart of a fully funded Church?
That’s a great question. The church has already invested a good amount of money towards this (including my salary). However, with every new venture, extra capital is required to make this the best experience for the online community. Some of those expenses include lighting, technical devices and sound equipment.
But just like any other Satellite Campus or new Church Plant, the Online Campus will be a separate entity with a separate budget starting Jan. 1, 2015. Even with New Life helping us get started it is very important to get additional funds raised before tithes and offerings begin to come in through the online campus regularly.
How long do you need financial support for?
Just one year. We are hopeful that tithes and offerings will be able to support the Campus.