this video find out.
The reality is live streaming is here to stay. And while you will be able to live stream from your smartphone with ease, each social media platform will have their own live stream option. That is why I would highly recommend you using both Periscope and Facebook Live.
What’s the reason for this recommendation? Simple. Even though Facebook is the largest social media network out there, Periscope has a large audience base through Twitter. You will reach different people with the different accounts. That is why it is very important to keep experimenting with both and seeing who watches and what kind of traction you can get on both platforms.
The great news is with technology changing constantly, this is just the beginning of some great times where you can utilize technology for ministry.
How has your experience been with live stream? What platform you are using and why you are using it. Share it below or on social media (using #ymsidekick in your tweet) and join the conversation.
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