This New Years Eve, the nZone is hosting Young Life’s College-aged New Years Eve party. It’s going to be a great party filled with tons of fun, a DJ, John Mark McMillen, giveaways and an outreach message to hundreds of young adults. I’m really excited to be apart of it.
New Years Eve presents an interesting dilemma for student and college ministers: to do something with students or to not do something. On one hand it’s a great opportunity to reach out to non-believers, do something fun (and safe) while sharing about the Christ. There are some awesome events by Churches in Northern VA during New Years Eve.
The other option is to do nothing with students – just chill with your friends and family and take the time off.
So, what do you do? TAKE A MINUTE to vote on the poll and then post a comment on why you do what you do. I’m sure there are some great insights out there so share your thoughts, experiences, comments or concerns.
[polldaddy poll=”5792944″]]]>