Ep. 87: Pre and Post Service Online Opportunities

The great thing about Online Church is that with the ever-changing landscape of technology, churches can do a variety of different things that it could never do just a few years ago. For instance, less than 18 months ago, live-streaming from your phone was unheard of. Now with the likes of Periscope and Facebook Live, it is part of the norm. And because technology continues to change and evolve, it enables Churches to use it to reach more people and engage them helping them come to know Christ. That is why Tom has Sly King. Sly is in charge of Social Media and the Online Church at the Worship Center Christian Church.

  • How did Sly get into ministry
  • What is Talkback after the service
  • What they do before the service
To connect with Sly, check him out on Twitter (twitter.com/sly_king48) and you can even check out a blog post he recently did about Building Your Church’s Online Ministry. What about you? What are you doing on Sunday to connect and engage with viewers of  your online services? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can all learn from each other. To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here. Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe (http://ht.ly/QdLHJ) to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week!  And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it. 🙂 Also, sign up for the Sidekick Scoop (http://ht.ly/TVyKF) to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics).]]>

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