Easter is one of the biggest events in the Church calendar every year. And, as a minister, it is part of your job to prepare people for this powerful, history changing event. The solemn remembrance of Good Friday and the celebration of Easter are just as important as the celebration of Christmas a few months before. While ministers are often preparing messages and services that reflect the power and significance of Jesus’ resurrection, they also have to be preparing their hearts for this time, too.
So, what can you do, as a minister to prepare your heart for Easter? Here are some key ways you can do that as you lead people into authentic worship this Easter.
Spend time in the Bible. Make sure you set aside extended times to in the Bible for you to reflect on the events leading Easter. Reflect on Christ’s pain, loneliness, humility and sorrow on Good Friday and the events that lead up to that. It serves as the necessary prelude to the celebration of empty tomb on Sunday morning.
- Examine yourself and repent. In order to lead others to Christ, we first have to lead ourselves and make sure we are right with God. Prayerfully go before God and allow the Holy Spirit to shine light on any hidden attitudes or behaviors that you need to repent of. Remember that Christ bore the agony of the cross to redeem you from condemned bondage to sin.
- Forgive. Sin’s bitter root can often appear through resentment and unresolved quarrels with others. Whether they are family members, friends or even church members, take time to extend or request forgiveness where needed. Approach Easter with the slate wiped clean relationally, mirroring the blank slate we receive from Christ through the cross. We can best proclaim redemption when we are living it out through reconciliation.
- Renew your passion for the lost. On Easter the Church celebrates Jesus’ victory over sin’s condemnation. Yet multitudes facing eternity remain oblivious to the good news of Christ. Take time to go before God and ask Him to reignite a sense of urgency within your heart to leverage every opportunity Easter provides for you to minister and reach the lost.
The ground beneath creation shook as the stone rolled away to reveal an empty tomb nearly centuries ago. As ministers and leaders charged with leading our churches each Easter, may the preparations of your hearts through repentance, renewal and revival precede all the planning you do for events or services. Lead people this Easter from overflow of your heart that is fresh and new today.
Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How else can you prepare for Easter? Share them below or on social media.
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