Quick and Easy, Go-to Games

  • Themed Rock, Paper, Scissors: Use the classic Rock, paper, scissors game but in themes. For instance you can use
  • Heads Up!  The Smartphone App that is similar to Catch-Phrase.  It was originally featured on the Ellen DeGeneres show and has become a huge hit!  Very fun, very easy and a great time filler.
  • Trainwreck (aka “Move-if”).  Simple game, where you sit around in a circle (in chairs) and someone is in the middle.  The person starts off by saying, “move if” then they have to say something that is true of them.  For example, “Move if you’ve ever been to Disney World” or “move if you are wearing jeans”.  Then, everyone who moves has to move to a different seat. The object is to not get caught in the middle. Or you have the be the “move if”.
  • What are your go-to games? Share them below or on social media #ymsidekick.  I would love to hear what you play in a pinch. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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