Reflect and Grow from Last Year

As you close out a year or start a new year, there is a tendency for people to reflect and grow. We are into a new year now so people aren’t reflecting on last year as much anymore as they are focused on this year. But, it would be a mistake to focus so much on the new year without learning from and growing from last year. 

Taking a look at the Google Search for 2021, it was interesting to see all the things of 2021 that I forgot about. This were “hot” topics for a time period, but no longer. I forgot about…

  • Bill and Melinda Gates getting divorced
  • The Dogecoin phenomena
  • India and Brazil’s massive COVID spike in the summer
  • Bernie Sander’s mittens from the Inauguration
  • The Insurrection and Inauguration happening less than 3 weeks from each other.
  • Olivia Rodrigo going from an unknown to Grammy nominated singer
The list could go on and on. And these are just “national” or “international” news. These don’t even include personal news to you at all. There was bound to be a variety of impactful things that happened to you last year.

When we forget what happened, the good and bad of it, and don’t reflect and grow from them, we tend to forget about what we learned from those situations. Good things happened last year. Not so good things happened last year. Choose to reflect and grow from what happened last year so that this year can be a better year. A year that you grow even more.

Reflect on personal wins and loses. What can you do to grow from them?

Reflect on ministry wins and loses. What can you do to grow from them?

There is always a variety of things you can do to grow this year. For instance, if you want to reflect and grow in your Online Ministry this year, be part of the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group! Learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry! You could also be part of the Digital Church Cohort or Coaching session that I help out with the Church Digital. You can reflect and grow personally by getting a mentor or coach to help you as well. The important thing is that reflect and grow from this past year so that this new year is better and more productive personally and professionally.

What do you think? How do you reflect and grow each year? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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