The result? Over 8 million people have watched it, over 400,000 people have shared it on Facebook and there have been over 17,000 tweets about it.
I’ve been doing Youth Ministry since 1997 so there isn’t much I haven’t talked to students about. However, I don’t want to keep using the same old talks over and over again making minor changes here and there. I want some new ideas, some fresh takes on the same subject matter. That is why I got xp3 this past year and will for the years to come. Looking over their resources has caused me to rethink how I communicated to students. I don’t want to just communicate to them, I want them to hear it, understand it and apply it to their lives. That is why I need to stay current on topics and look through some additional resources on the subject matter.
That is the challenge for all of us today. How can we communicate in a way to TODAY’S student so that they can hear it, understand it and apply it to their lives. Jim Rayburn, founder of Young Life, once said that it is “a sin to bore a kid with the Gospel”. I agree and I think all of us would agree with that. That is why this Virgin America video should give us excitement. They took what was boring and stale and made it fresh and entertaining while communicating the relevant, important information they need to. So let us all take a page from Virgin America and rethink how we communicate to students so that they can hear, understand and apply it to their lives.
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