Orange Conference Breakout Session lead by Tom Shefchunas (@coachshef). Revolutions rarely get started by new info…it starts with thinking differently about what we already know.
Think simpler
- Think backwards – is there another approach to the problem?
- Think upside down
- Think beyond – have I set my goal too low? MLK Jr.
- Think Irreverently – how has the system limited my perspective? Martin Luther
- Think Again – Bazos
- Decide on the main goal
- Define the imperatives
- You realistically rebuild it considering time, resources
- Difficult
- Relational
- Ongoing
- Dependent on disciplier
- Limited by disciplier
- love God with all you’ve got and love others Matt 22:37-39
- Jesus himself – through his body – the church
- between leading people in a movement or manipulating people to move
- humbly accepting people’s dedication to your leadership or expecting locality because you are the leader
- what MUST we do
- what SHOULD we do
- what COULD we do
- what SHOULDN’T we do
- Toms Group said they would 1. have amazing adults to help kids and walk with them be discipled.
- 2. make sure the adults are healthy.
- 3rd one is program. The purpose of program is to set up leaders for success. They wanted to create shared experiences built around biblical truth.
- 4th thing is parents. 20% of parents will do everything you say. 20% won’t do anything. Focus on 60% of parents who can take steps with their kids.