When I first started off in youth ministry my mentor asked me what I wanted to accomplish in ministry. In essence, he was asking me what was the prize I was running towards. I responded probably similar to every other early 20-something youth ministry know-it-all out there. I said I wanted to be known for doing dynamic ministry. I even said I wanted to be a doctor in youth ministry, you know have my Ph.D. Boy I wish I could slap that kid in the face. Not because that he wanted to be successful – we should all desire to be successful at our jobs. But I would slap him in the face because he was so “I”-centered and not Christ-centered. He wanted to be the best for his glory…not Gods.
But Tom, you have a blog. You are striving for accolades still, right? Well, sort of but not really. I have a youth/famiily ministry blog, but come on, it’s not even in the top 25 Youth Ministry blogs out there. 🙂 Heck, there are retired youth ministers who still have more popular blogs that I do. I honestly write blogs for me. I process through writing. I enjoy writing. I don’t write for my personal glory and a potential book deal. I write because I like throwing out ideas as I process them and see what sounds good and actually can happen.
But I digress. The point of that intro is to throw out to myself and everyone of you out there (all 10 followers) this question. What’s the prize you are running towards?
In Philippians 3:14 (NLT), Paul says, “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Paul is running his race to reach the prize that God gives out, not what humans give out. He also personalizes it and says that he is running for that prize from which God is calling “us”. Paul is focused here. He is determined that nothing will distract him from his calling.
I believe that when we enter into a relationship with the Lord or into ministry, God is calling us to do something purposeful. Maybe it is to reach our neighbors for Christ or to lead a great mission or ministry. Whatever it is, we have to stay focused on what God is calling us to do. What God called Paul to do is something different than what God called Peter or Martin Luther to do. We are uniquely gifted and called by God to do something great. But we must remain focused on that.
That means that I cannot lose focus of what God is calling ME to do in my ministry and MY personal life. I cannot worry about what God is calling others to do with their ministry and their lives. I have to be true to what God is calling ME to do. Honestly, it may be smaller than what God is calling others to do, but it is still great in God’s eyes and purposeful.
So what are you running towards? What is your focus? Is it really what God wants you to focus on or are you getting sidetracked by what others are doing, thus running unfocused in many different directions?
If you want to run focused as Paul did, we have to be in tune with what God is calling us, as individuals (and in our ministries) to be. That means, we have to stay close to the source…HIM. After all, with you being focused on running towards Christ and make an impact for HIM, Satan is going to try whatever he can to distract you and cause you to lose focus.
So TAKE A MINUTE right now to focus on the Lord right now. Seek HIM. Call out to HIM. And see what HE calls you to do. Then do it and run towards that with a determination and passion that will bring glory to HIM.
Thoughts? Experiences? Post a comment below so that we can all learn from each other and benefit.]]>