Santa Jesus

Ephesians 2:8 & 9), but do we really live in that grace? I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I feel that way.  I think that if I just “do” the right things, He will bless me.  It become all about me doing things for Him, not resting in His grace and love. I hope this Christmas season you are able to relax and rest in God’s grace and love for you knowing that He still loves you and nothing you do will ever change that. Thoughts?  Experiences? Share them below so we can all learn and encourage each other.]]>

2 Replies to “Santa Jesus”

  1. Tom, thank you for sharing! I think you have a good point there. I feel that way as well. A lot.

    That’s a very encouraging message “He still loves you and nothing you do will ever change that.” I struggle with believing that sometimes. It’s not so much that I don’t believe it, I just feel like I don’t deserve it.

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