Share the gift of Orange this Christmas

Christmas Time – my most favorite time of the year! But that is not the only reason why I am pumped. It is also because this week is Orange Blogger Week! This week is where a bunch of student, family and children ministry bloggers share about Orange and how others can benefit from being involved with it.  For a list of all the great bloggers posting stuff this week, click here. Because it is Christmas and, according to “Love Actually” you tell the truth on Christmas, I figured now would be the best time to tell you the truth about Orange and why I believe  it is the best gift you can give someone in ministry over Christmas.

  1. It is all about connecting families and the church together.  They are all about helping Churches and families  work together so that the whole family can come to know God and serve HIm.
  2. The resources Orange has are some of the best resources you can get for your ministry. Whether it is for families, students, small groups, children or more, they have a variety of resources that are so very well done and very well researched. Check out all the great resources at the Orange Store.
  3. The support Orange gives is amazing. I know that Orange isn’t the only curriculum group out there as there are a ton of great resources.  And I know they aren’t the only ones trying to connect families and the church together. But what I do appreciate is all the behind the scenes research and development they do to make sure the experience you put on Sunday morning and throughout the the week is top notch.
  4. The Orange Conference is the best I have ever been to. I have been to so many different kinds of conferences and a lot of them are really well done. However, the Orange Conference is specifically designed for Family, Children and Student Ministers. It is really unlike anything you will every experience. And the great news is that there a money saving deal right now for the 2018 conference. Sign up here by the 14th and you can save money. What a great gift right before Christmas!


This Christmas there are plenty of great gift options out there. And, as you think about all the great gift possibilities there are for student, family and children ministers, it just makes sense to give the gift of Orange. It’s not just a curriculum or a set of book. It is a entire philosophy and strategy that just works and I, personally, have found it to work best for me and what we want to accomplish as a Church. So this year, give a serious look at Orange and see how it can greatly impact your ministry. But what about you? Have you experience with Orange before? What are your thoughts? Share your experiences below or on social media using the #ymsidekick hashtag.   [mc4wp_form] ]]>

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