“Social Media Madness: What Kids’ Social Media Posts Reveal about Who They are and What they Need” Notes

  • Social media is a big deal
  • Our kids are on social media – multiple platforms, new things constantly
  • 95% of teens have asides to a smartphone
  • 53% of 11 year olds own there own smartphone
  • 45% of teens say they are online almost constantly
  • Walt MuellerTechnology is not a bad thing In what direction are we going to use technology? You are there to nurture and guide teens. You can either advance the kingdom of God or advance the kingdoms of the world, flesh and devil. It all depends on how you use it. Discipleship is about all of life. Sanctification is about all of life as well. Integration: Our faith is not just about coming to Jesus. Now see it through all parts of our lives. How is your faith integrated into all of your life? Social Media is a primary playground for creative self-expression. Students are living here! We show are true selves not in just what we say but what we post. We need to use social media as a tool as a window into their souls. Sometimes social media will tell us more about our students then a conversation ever will. That doesn’t mean you eliminate conversation but just knowledge for us. This is not just a kid-thing..it’s a human thing. It’s adults and parents as well. Your students are on a search. Two main tasks of childhood & adolescence are:
    1. Identity formation – “Who am I?”
    2. Worldview formation – “What do i believe?”
    Tweens: online 4 hours 44 minutes Teens: online 7 hours, 22 minutes Signals our kids send: For many of our kids, their use of social media is an effort to fulfill unmet human needs.
    • An identity “fitting room” where I can create and curate myself in order to be liked. The “selfie” is a primary way students do this. In the fitting room, we fabricate, curate and promote. What they are looking for are the “LIKE”s. “I am defined by my appearance..and what it looks like to others”.
    • “Selfie harm” – 2019 Project from British fashion photographer Rankin “make your photo social media ready”
    • “The screen becomes not a vein of truth, but a mirror of desire.” – Mark Bauerlein. This undermines the health functioning of the body of Christ. We need to be who we are.
    An identity “fitting room” where I can create and curate myself in order to be liked. HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO HELP THEM FIND THEIR IDENTY IN CHRIST? Face time by Kristen Hatton – great book to read with girls
    • Connections in a world of broken relationships. “I needed a hug and I ended up getting pregnant”. Students are broken and they need hugs.
    • Significance and validation in a world where I’m forgotten and feeling worthless. Students want to feel “greater than”. If we’re honest, way too may of our posts scream, “Hey, loo at me!”, “Hey, look at my kids!”, “Hey look at what I did!”
    • Seek the spotlight…and it will blind you. “Comparison is the thief of joy” – Teddy Roosevelt
    Significance and validation in a world where I’m forgotten and feeling worthless. HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO REMEMBER AND VALUE!  ADDITIONAL MINISTRY STRATEGIES…
    • Teach on Biblical humility
    • Don’t bite with a “like” when someone is fishing for that “like”
    • Let your work and your reputation speak for itself. (How are you posting?)
    Answer to question I have about life that nobody in my life is answering. HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO GIVE THEM ANSWERS?! Connivence because my life is hurried and harried. HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO OFFER KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE OF SABBATH REST!? Escape because I need to forget my hurt and pain. HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO OFFER HOPE AND HEALING? Redemption because I am empty, incomplete and need to be made whole HOW MUCH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR MINISTRY TO POINT THEM TO THE REDEEMER!? They are watching you. In the context of a relationship, your words and your example speaks loudly! Speaks loudly! To download more resources on this and more from Walt Mueller, you can here.   What stands out to you from this session led by Walt Mueller? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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