Don't be the Social Media Overdoer!

  • Don’t over-post. Two posts a day on Facebook are ideal and 3 posts on Twitter are ideal.  Don’t spend hours on your social media accounts.
  • Don’t over-like, over-comment or over-retweet. Just because you want to connect with people you are friends with or are ministering with doesn’t mean you have to like or comment on everything they post or say on social media.
  • Don’t over-share.  Honestly there are people who share too much information about their lives.  And, sometimes we feel justified to do that.  But don’t do it.  Resist every urge to do it.
  • Don’t over-commit. Focus on a few social media networks and that’s it.  Don’t get sucked into every new social network or social thing to do.  Make sure you are good at a few of them before you branch out into others.
  • How have you seen ministers and churches overdo it on social media? Share your insights and experiences on this below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share. ]]>

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