Social Media Reminders for Ministers

beautiful in that you can connect with people all over the world who have similar interests to you. It’s a train wreck because at any moment what you say can and will be used against you whether it is in context or out of context.  And, because of this, it is good to have social media reminders, especially for ministers. social media remindersAmong other duties, Minsters are called by God to provide spiritual guidance to people in the community. As a minister, people are going to look towards you for your opinion on important spiritual and cultural matters. Sometimes this happens in person, via email or phone call conversation or even over social media. This is really beautiful. Where it becomes a problem is when we start letting the social media train wreck suck us into controversies and opinions that hurt people rather than help them. This isn’t just a recent issue, although it has become more visible of late. This has been happening for years. That is why we, as Ministers, need some social media reminders to help as we seek to help others and be a Digital Missionary in the world today.

  • Jesus calls us to love ALL people (John 13:35-36).  By the way you love others, they will know you are Jesus’ followers. Jesus doesn’t ever say to love just some or those who think/act like you. He calls us to love all people.
  • You are an ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). The way you act will reflect not just you, but it reflects your family, your Church and, most importantly, Jesus. How you treat someone else on social media may be the only interaction that person has with a believer or minister. Choose to interact with that person(s) as Christ would act.
  • Jesus is the only Truth (John 14:6). His Truth is what matters most. If you are having a problem remembering what God’s Truth is and what Jesus stands for, make it a point to review the Gospels and the New Testament.
  • Offer hope and encouragement (Hebrews 4:14-16). People are looking for hope. They are looking for encouragement. You, as a minister and Digital Missionary, can offer that hope daily. If you don’t know how, or just need some reminders, here are 3 things you can do today. Also here are 3 questions you can ask on social media.
  • We are called to let the light of Jesus shine (Matthew 5:16). When we let that light and hope of Christ shine others will see it and be drawn TOWARDS Jesus.
  • Social Media arguments rarely end well. I have never heard someone say, “Because you yelled and made fun of me in your social media post, I changed my mind and will now think just like you.”
We have such a huge opportunity these days to offer hope to others who are desperately looking for it. Don’t get sucked into the temporary or hot topic argument going on in social media at the moment. Think from an eternal perspective and choose to offer hope and light rather than to divide or add to fuel to an already dumpster fire that burns so brightly on social media. Don’t let the beautiful train wreck of social media destroy your witness. The more you can do that the greater the impact you can have on others on social media. What do you think of these social media reminders?  Share your favorite below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.

Also, if you are interested in being a Digital Missionary or if you want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, check out the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!

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