the Social Sidekick: Who has the Best Church Facebook Page?

UnknownWhen New Life tasked me with helping the Social Media for the Church and the nZone, I was very excited about it.  I do a lot of social media through my blog and personal Facebook and Twitter accounts.  So, to help with this was something I was really looking forward to. As I got into examining more about how we, as New Life and the nZone, could use social media better, I started looking at what makes a Church Facebook page great.  What do they do that has people “like” it and what do they get out of it? So that is the question I have for you.  [Tweet “What makes a specific Church Facebook page great?”]  TAKE A MINUTE and share below so we can all learn and help improve our church’s sites.]]>

2 Replies to “the Social Sidekick: Who has the Best Church Facebook Page?”

  1. What makes a church FB page great? IM(rarely)HO: 1) branding consistent w/website and other social media; “About” info that’s clear, devoid of church jargon, and includes URL; active management that includes balancing broadcasted content with conversation.

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