So when reThink announced at the Orange ’14 Conference about a Lead Small App that was now available to help Small Group Leaders, I IMMEDIATELY downloaded it! When I opened it, I was blown away by everything they included in it and how this will help me be a better leader of leaders and leader of my own small group.
Here’s why I love this app:
- It gives each leader the TOOLS to be a good Small Group leader. Whether it’s the principles, videos, podcasts or FAQs that they have in the “Big Ideas” section of the app, they are preparing every leader to be a great Small Group leader. It takes all the training I want to give my leaders and puts it in it…for FREE!
- It gives each leader WAYS to keep in touch with students. In the “My Few” section, there are ways to insert each of your small group member in it and keep in touch with them. Not only can you send group text messages to all of them from it but in each contact card you can include some great info about each person like their Instagram and Twitter handles, hobbies, favorite candy, etc. For me, this is great because it adds info that a “contact card” on my phone doesn’t have.
- It gives each leader the CURRICULUM. In the “This Week” section there a leaders guide for you to look at, devotions for you to read through, a focus section that give you the week’s theme and bottom line for each student to remember, notes for you to keep track on from your group and a news section to keep you focused.