So, we all did and within minutes many of us got a text back. It was really cool. I texted a leader and it began a nice text exchange. Since then I have texted that message to students, leaders and friends asking how I can be praying for them.
Honestly, as much as I use my iPhone, it has never really occurred to me to use my iPhone to ask for prayer requests. Strange, I know because I use my iPhone all the time.
Other than that, here are a few other reasons why I loved what Matt had us do.
- everyone has a phone, so there is no reason why I can’t be texting others AND there is no reason why they can’t text you back.
- it’s an easy “win” for you as you look like you care (and hopefully you do :)) and that they are important to you.
- it helps you know how to pray specifically for kids and leaders each and every day. You don’t have to text each person everyday but you can!