the Social Sidekick: And teens favorite social media site is…

Unknown-4…FACEBOOK!  Yep, according to a new survey of 7,000 high school graduates, Facebook ranks #1.  According to this survey, behind Facebook are Instagram, SnapChat and YouTube. I found this very interesting so I took these results and did my own informal survey of students in my ministry.  The results I got were different.  My students said their favorite social media sites are:

  • Instagram (favorite)
  • SnapChat
  • Twitter
No Facebook…at all.  When I shared with them the results, they were very surprised. I think the key to this survey is that it’s a survey of high school “graduates” not younger.  I believe many graduates do have Facebook accounts and use them…from time to time.  However, I also feel that many younger high school students don’t touch it very often.  They may have a Facebook account, but are more likely to go on Instagram, Twitter and SnapChat more often. Still, I believe that Facebook matters.  It may not be as popular amongst the younger teens and tweens, but we can’t write it off as not effective, because students still check it out…to some degree.  And, there is so much you can do with Facebook that you can’t do with other social media platforms. That is why I believe that Facebook is still very relevant and a necessary tool for reaching teens and college students. What do you think of these findings?  Agree or disagree?   As a Student or College Minister, do you find your students are on Facebook as much as these findings indicate?  How do these findings impact your ministry?]]>

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