Splice, a very useful ministry app

FREE video editor app. The reason why I love splice is that it is simple to use.  I take the photos and video on my iPhone.  I then open the app, start a new video and select the photos and videos I want to include. After that, Splice prepares it in order and even adds transitions from photo to video or video to video.  When they prepare it you can preview it and even add it more photos, videos or transitions.  Also, you can include your own text as slides and add music as the background from your music library. Then, when it is all done, you export it right to your camera roll.  From there I’ve tweeted it and put it on youtube.  It was so easy to do. Honestly, I’m feel like I’m having a hard time explaining how easy it is, so you are just going to have to try it for yourself.  In the meantime, cheek out this video I just did on Monday (filmed on Sunday, put it together on Monday).  It took me maybe 45 minutes to do. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCGZRGbcIXg&list=UUj1AMprNTtyUrNoJazW8VQw&index=1&feature=plcp[/youtube] Splice is an iPhone only app.  For more information on Splice, click here.]]>

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