This week is Spring Break in our area and this year I am actually taking Spring Break off. That’s right, for the past 6 years at Cedar Run I can recall only taking Spring Break off once and that was just for half the week. Well, this year, I am taking the whole week off and my family and I are headed down to Disney World. You can imagine the excitement in my house when I told my 4 daughters that we were headed down there. That is all they have been talking about and my wife and I are pretty stoked about it as well.
Honestly, one of the primary reason I have been so hesitant in taking Spring Break off in the past is because this is a great “contact work” week with students. I know that students go away and do fun things with their families during the break. But there are also a good amount of students who are stuck at their homes looking for things to do. So, I have always used Spring Break week as an ultimate contact work week.
What about you? Do you use Spring break as a Work Week or Week off? I think for youth ministers with families, it may be harder to not take time off during spring break, but who knows. I’m just wondering if you face this kind of delimma and how you deal with Spring Break?
Post some thoughts as it would be great to get a good dialogue going.]]>
How in the world can you take Spring Break off with Easter being at the end of it? I'm just curious.
Art, in years past it would have been really hard. But this past year we hired a full-time Associate for youth so she is handling the duties this weekend while I'm away. Christmas and Easter are 2 of the toughest days to take off and I don't recommend making it a yearly vacation time. But, with my family all off, I felt that this year I could afford to take the week off.