The question is if we have the greatest product ever, Jesus Christ who offers us forgiveness, grace and unconditional love (John 3:16-17, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8-9), then why aren’t we promoting Him & what He offers all over the place? Why don’t we have more signs (like this one), or newspaper ads or even banners flying around telling others about our ministries? Sure our lives are a powerful marketing tool, maybe the most powerful tool, but why don’t we market a little better in the community? This sign that New Life did for our new nZone is just one of the different ways we are planning on marketing.
I know because of money, especially in this economy, it can be hard to “justify” spending any amount of money on marketing. But, if we fail to promote, how can we possibly expect people to come strolling into our churches or ministries? The Fields of Dreams “If you build it he will come” approach doesn’t always work. We have to find ways let people know who we are and what we are about. And I am glad to be apart of a team at New Life that really wants to get the word out to the community about what we have to offer – Christ!
So how can we do that? What are ways we can strut our stuff? TAKE A MINUTE and think through some ways we can get our message (and events) out to the community so that they can hear the good news? Then post an idea in the comment section. I would love to see what we can come up with. Hopefully there will be a ton of new, creative ideas that we can start doing. After all, we are called to go and make disciples, not wait for them to come to us. How can we successfully let people know what we are all about and the good news we have to offer?]]>
It's funny that I found your post on Twitter. 🙂 Our church is working through a lot of the same stuff. We had so many plans until a year ago when the economy went south for our area. I (the only other person on staff outside of the pastor) was let go and most of the events and promotion were cut back. It didn't help that we had just finished a building program and lost several older families in the church.
We are now trying to rebuild the promotion machine by pouring into our people where they are. We are looking into as a tool we can use to really build up the communication aspect of our church.
I love the sign at the high school sporting event.