Summer Service Opportunity: V.B.S.

[/caption] Every year I am always looking for new ways for my youth to serve in the community and the Church.  One opportunity came up a few years ago that made all the sense in the world for us to be apart of.  It came about because we finally moved into a church building (we had been meeting in a elementary school for years).  It was at that time that our Children’s Ministry decided to host their very first Vacation Bible School!  When they decided to do a V.B.S., the great opportunity for our youth ended up being a phenominal opportunity for our whole church. If you are still looking for a summer service opportunity, I want to strongly encourage you all to partner up with your children’s ministry department to help at V.B.S..  Here is a list of reason why having youth help out with the summer V.B.S. is a great service opportunity that benefits the whole church:

  1. You are supporting another ministry at your church. Too many times in church world, I have seen Ministry Department Heads get territorial and want to do what is best for their ministry only.  They don’t care what happens in the other departments, just as long as their needs are being met.  I’m sorry but that is NOT an effective way to do ministry.  Ministries within the church need to partner together and work to bring all people, young and old, into a relationship with Christ.  By having the youth support the children’s ministry, you are supporting the church.  As a youth minister you are saying that you value another ministry just as much as yours and that want to support what they are doing to further the kingdom of heaven.  It is a great model.
  2. It’s a local Mission Trip! Having the youth help out and work with the Children’s ministry was a perfect opportunity to add another type of service during the summer.  Every year, our church offers 2 mission trips – one international (open to the whole church) and another to a domestic location (youth only trip).  Even though scholarship is available to help students go on these trips, helping out at V.B.S. provides a local, free option that students can have while still feel like they are giving to others and serving.
  3. Students bond. Being apart of the V.B.S. Team allows students who do not normally socialize together bond.  Sure they are apart of the “youth group” and they may go to the same school, but that doesn’t meant they socialize or interact together.  When they help out with V.B.S., they have interactions and experiences together that they may never have had before.  Which again, helps builds friendships and bonds that may last eternity.
  4. Opportunity for youth to serve the church. As an advocate for youth being actively involved in the life of the church, having youth serve at V.B.S. is a great opportunity for the rest of the church body to see youth playing an active role.  It shows that you do not have to be an adult to serve in some sort of ministry position.  You can serve and be effective at a very young age.  These young children look up to the youth so much and lasting mentorships may be developed because of this opportunity.
  5. Another opportunity for YOU to bond with students. During the summer months students vanish.  You see them one week, the next week they are on vacation or at camp or someplace else.  The consistency of student involvement during the summer is just not there.  But I know that every day during V.B.S., I can go in the Church from 9 am – 12 pm and see students, interact with them and encourage them in Christ.  It really is one of the best non-camp contact work opportunities youth ministers get every year.
These are just 5 reasons why you should encourage students to participate in V.B.S.  So, what do you think?  Have you had students participate in V.B.S. before?  How did that go for you? TAKE A MINUTE and go talk to your Children’s Ministry Director.  Ask him/her how you and the youth might be able to assist him/her during that week.  It could be a powerful time for your ministry and theirs. ]]>

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