Episode 42 Show Notes:
Today Tom brings back West Coaster and all-star Student Minister and all-round great guy Ben Kerns. Ben is the Lead Pastor: Youth and Families for Marin Covenant Church in California. He’s written few different books and blogs regularly at averageyouthministry.com.
In today’s episode Tom and Ben talk about how to effectively survive Christmas as a minister. How do you juggle this time for you (he has a great blog post on this: http://ht.ly/Vm8j9), your family and ministry as well as take time off to recoup and refresh before the New Year.
And, to throw some more fuel on the fire they talk about Santa and what student ministers should or should NOT say about him.
To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here.
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How are you surviving Christmas? And, what are your thoughts on Santa and Student Ministry’s role in this “controversy”? Join the conversation by sharing below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.