Taking Action when receiving Criticism

Watch this video to learned what happened next and how it applies to ministry.   When I called to see if it could be better they said sorry, but that I could come down to the lobby to get a better connection.  Sorry, but I didn’t really want to do work at the lobby.  In my frustration I looked at reviews for the hotel and I noticed something. It appears that people have been complaining about bad wifi for years!  Literally, years!  So shame on me for not reading the reviews but also shame on them for not fixing an obvious problem. Here’s the point. Don’t just listen to feedback and/or criticism, take action and do something about it. That shows people that you hear them and you value them. That goes a long way. What do you think? What do you do when you receive criticism and how do you respond? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick to post. Also, this vlog is apart of Summer Ministry Vlog Week ’16 (#SMVWeek16). Check out the other Vloggers of #SMVWeek16 here. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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