Acts 9:1-19a, Paul comes into a relationship with the Lord. Then, in Acts 9:19b-31, he becomes a missionary. Although this seemed like a very a quick process, his transformation and acceptance was not an overnight phenomenon. It took time. This is the example and the approach that we need to take when a new believer comes into a relationship with Christ. Let me explain.
We need to first win a student into a relationship with Christ. This is done through relational time invested in a student over time. It doesn’t happen overnight. By spending time with each student you are “earning the right to be heard”. Then, over time, you win the respect of the student enough to present him the Gospel of Christ.
But, more importantly than use spending time with different students, you should be praying for them. After all, no matter how much time and effort we invest in a student, we cannot make them do anything. I know our power of persuasion is great but we need God’s power more. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit working in them that they will enter into a loving relationship with Christ.
Secondly, we need to give them the basics of the faith. As I mentioned earlier, it is completely unrealistic for us to believe a new-believer will automatically know everything and be a perfect example to others once they choose to follow Christ. It is like expecting an alcoholic who choose to be sober 1 day to never struggle or be tempted with alcohol again. We cannot expect that. However, as in Paul’s example, right after he came to know Christ as his savior, Acts 9:19b says, “Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus”. Paul needed to learn from more mature believers so that when he went out to share about Christ to others he would know what to say.
So we have to give new believers the knowledge of what it means to follow Christ. Over my student ministry career, I have found 2 great resources for building a spiritual foundation for students:
- “My First 30 Quiet Times” by Ty Saltzgiver. This is a great resource for a new believer and can be a great 1-on-1 opportunity between a student and a leader to walk through the basics of the faith.
- Topical Memory System by the Navigators. This is a great scripture memorization tool that was vital for me when I started really pursuing the Lord when I was 18. Now, 17 years later, I still know many of those verses by heart.