Tech Trends in 2021 to Watch

video, listen to the podcast or read the bullet points below about the tech trends in 2021 to watch for.     More AI and VR Growth. AI has been developing a lot over the years so that will continue to be refined more. Here are some ways you can use AI for ministry. VR has been taking bigger steps over the past few years as it is still relatively new and growing in exposure. VR Churches and ministries are starting to pop up so look for more ministry opportunities to develop in 2021. Continued Video Conferencing Development. FaceTime, Google Hangouts and Zoom have been around for a while. However, in 2020 they all took big step forwards as video conferencing became more of the norm. Look for in 2021 all those platforms and more to make even more advances in video conferencing as the world continues to operate more online and through video chat than in pervious years. Cybersecurity Upgrades. This is one of the tech trends that needs to continue to grow and develop because, with more online development and growth comes more hacking potential for more would be criminals. Zoombombing and hacking was the start of it but it most definitely won’t be the last of it. Churches and ministries need to stay on top of cybersecurity in 2021 so that their online content and meetings stay safe a secure from hackers who want to cause disruptions. Remote Work. In 2020 we took a HUGE step forward in remote work, in part because we had to. But now, more and more people are comfortable with and some won’t go back. That means that you need your home office set up properly with the right tech to work from home effectively. Here is a list of gear you can use to transform your home office. Video Gaming Opportunities  With the release of the Xbox Series S and X along with the Playstation 5, video gaming has taken another step forward. The video game industry was already stellar with over a $90 billion dollar revenue posted in 2020. Now, with all the advancements and new games out, there will be even a greater emphasis on it. While Xbox and Playstation are the gold standard, Nintendo, Apple and Google all have fantastic gaming options for people of all ages. All these tech trends are not just fun to watch for our personal lives but also for ministry. Think of all the possibilities you can do in your ministry with more tech advancement. It should be a very exciting year. ACTION STEPS: 

  • What do you think? What tech trends in 2021 are you seeing? Share what you do below or on social media using the hashtag #digitalin5 to share.
  • Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.
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