Text the Love

You can do so much with your smartphone these days. You can check the weather, listen to music, watch videos, keep track of your steps or workouts and countless other things. It’s kind of funny that they still call it a phone because it seems to be used for anything else other than for it’s phone feature.

Well as much as you can do with your smartphone, something as simple as a text message to someone can go a very long way. Watch this short video to see what you can do with text messaging.



By simply breaking out your phone and texting someone a word of encouragement or asking them how you can pray for them today or a simple Bible verse can really mean a lot to someone. Yet, I feel, that it is something we don’t do as often as we can.

So here is the challenge. It’s really simple. Take a few minutes and pray, asking God to put someone on your heart to send text message to. Then, break out your phone right now and pick a friend, family member, volunteer leader, staff person or someone you are ministering to. Once you have that person identified, send them an encouragement, a thank you, a Bible verse or ask how you can be praying for them. After you have written your message, hit send and see what happens.

Three easy steps and I bet it made a difference in that person’s day. And the cool thing is that is probably only took you 3-5 minutes! How awesome.

This week, take some time and text a few people something that will encourage them. Not only will it make a difference in someone else’s life, but I am sure it will make a difference in your life as you are thinking and praying for someone else to send some encouragement to throughout the week.

What do you think? What are other ways you can use text messages to help someone or encourage them? Share your thoughts below or on social media using #ymsidekick as the hashtag. 

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