The 1 Data Point that Needs to be Collected in Student Ministry

  The one data point that needs to be collected in your student ministry is how many students are engaged in discipleship relationships with adult leaders. Why is this important? It is because it show that there is substance to your ministry. And by substance I mean that there is life change that is happening. The reality is collecting the number of students who attend your “youth group” night or big event is important but if none of those students are connecting in a discipleship relationship with adult leaders, this big event you did or “youth group” night was for lost. It was just a cool event that people came to. Everything student ministers do needs to point students to helping them discover God, grow in their faith and serve their community. So whether it is a one-on-one discipleship relationship or the number of small groups your students are involved in, you need to collect how many students are being involved in these discipleship type relationships. This is the one data point that needs to be collected in your ministry. What do you think? Is this the one data point to collect in your student ministry?  Share your thoughts below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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