Ep. 132: The benefits of creating a YouTube Channel for your Ministry

That is why I invited my friend, Brian Mason, onto the podcast. Brian is a Young Life Area Director in Belton, Kansas. He has been using videos and YouTube for his ministry for years and is seeing fruit from his efforts. So today, in this episode Brian and I talk about…

  • Brian’s background and how he got started in ministry
  • Why he started making videos
  • What equipment he is using to make videos
  • What videos can you make for your ministry (hint: it’s about your particular style)
  • How long it takes to put a video together for his channel
  • How videos are not just for teens.
Check out Brian’s YouTube channel and his Vanilla Ice Parody as well! They are great and it really shows that you don’t need a video background to make a channel and great videos! Do you have an idea for a future topic or someone for Tom to interview? Email him some ideas on future episodes here. Listen and make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! Join the conversation! How are you recruiting, training and developing volunteer leaders to give them the vision of being disciplemakers?  What do you do? Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.  ]]>

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